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Writer's pictureEmilee Jackson

Finnish Sauna: So Hot Right Now

So you're in Finland, and you find a sauna around every corner. Should you go? What do you even do in a sauna? Don't worry, I've got you covered. Here's what you need to know.

There are over three million saunas in Finland, you won't have a hard time finding one. There are public saunas throughout the country and probably even one in your hotel. There are two main types of sauna: electric and wood. This means that the stove in the sauna is either electric and you don't control it in any way, or it burns wood and it's your responsibility to keep the fire hot.

Strip down

Yep. Get into your birthday suit. I know it sounds really weird, but I promise you'll have a better time than if you wore a bathing suit. It's actually really uncomfortable to sit in your bathing suit and sweat and sweat and sweat. It's so freeing to sit naked and relax and then go for a dip to cool off.

Let go

The whole point of going to the sauna is to relax and unwind. Don't get caught up in what people are talking about because 1, they're probably speaking Finnish and you can't understand them and 2, they're 100% not talking about you. I promise. Sit and relax. Let go of the tension in your muscles and forget about everything that is stressing you out. The only thing you should focus on is when you need to take a break.

It's good for everyone

The only people who should not go to the sauna are newborn babies and people with serious health issues such as heart problems. This means it's perfect for you.

It's not a spa

Don't expect soft music and scented candles. Saunas are dimly lit and usually pretty quiet. While everyone may be in there sweating it doesn't smell like body odor in any way.

Use the vasta/vihta

This is a bundle of freshly picked birch twigs that you use to hit yourself, usually on your back. This is another aspect of the sauna that sounds really weird, but it's great for your skin, it smells good and leaves you feeling nice and smooth.

Bring a beer (or three)

It's not a necessity, obviously, but it really helps you let go if you need that extra push. Having a sauna beer is the same as going out after work for some beers with your friends. It also helps keep you cooled off! The key is to drink your beer as quickly as possible if you bring it into the sauna because it will warm up very, very quickly and it will be disgusting.

Take a break when you need it

Don't be stubborn. If you're stubborn and try to stick it out to be tough you're only going to end up hurting yourself. If you spend too long in the sauna without taking a break to cool off and hydrate with some water then there's a very real possibility you will pass out. If that happens then you really won't look like a tough guy. Listen to your body.

There are no rules

Don't walk into the sauna being afraid of messing something up. You won't. I guarantee that there will be someone else there who knows what to do, so you won't have to do a single thing except relax.

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