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Writer's pictureEmilee Jackson

One-Bagging It

Believe it or not, there are a lot of people who travel with only one bag. Yes, you read that correctly. Everything in one bag for the whole trip. I'm one of those people. I hate checking a bag, it's too stressful.

I spent 4.5 weeks in Southeast Asia living out of a 25-liter backpack. I'll admit it was a bit of a stretch and I probably should have used a bigger bag, but I managed just fine! Because you know what? There are washing machines all over the world.

Using a small bag means I have to force myself to pack light. That way when you over pack you really have not over packed. So, the question you probably have is: how? There are a few basic ideas to traveling with one bag that you should follow and you'll be golden for every trip. Granted, the concept is easier when you're traveling to warmer climates but it can still be done when going to cold places.

Lightweight clothing

Wear clothing that dries out quickly and doesn't take up much space. This might seem like a no-brainer, but it gets complicated when you think you might need to bring some nicer clothes for a dinner, be prepared for the rain, and a sudden drop in temperature.

Dark clothing

Dark colored clothes hide spots and stains much better than a stark white shirt would. Make sure that a small splash of food or even mud won't ruin a piece of clothing you were relying on for multiple outfits.

Can you wear that thing with more than one other thing?

Speaking of multiple outfits, can you mix and match everything you've brought? Or at least 90% of the clothes in your bag? Your packing list will be significantly smaller if one shirt can be work with two or three different bottoms and vice versa.

Wear the bulkier things

If you're traveling somewhere cold wear the big items on the airplane while you're traveling. Do not try to roll up that massive jacket and put it in your bag. Give yourself as much room as possible in your bag even if you'll look ridiculous on the plane ride. I'm from Florida and I've done quite a bit of travel back and forth to Finland. I've looked absolutely crazy rolling up to the Orlando airport wearing leggings, sweatpants, boots, a long sleeve shirt, a hoodie and carrying a big winter coat. But, you do what you've got to do.

Roll your clothes

I think that most people know this by now, but just in case you don't, rolling your clothes saves so much space in your bag! Roll things up as tightly as you possibly can. This will give you a lot more space and your bag will look more organized when you need to take a quick glance at what's inside.

Bring a quick-dry towel

When I traveled through Southeast Asia, a quick-dry towel saved me. You use it, hang it up and it's good to go in a few hours. They're usually not very bulky. Now, if you're one to stay in hotels when you travel then you probably don't need to read this one. Even if you're a hostel goer you can research which hostels will provide a towel at a small price if you really don't want to pack a towel.

Pack the necessities first

Organization is key when it comes to traveling with one bag. I have two approaches. The first is to make sure that you have the things you can't live without. This does not include your hair straightener and those cozy airplane socks. This means your passport, money, toothbrush, clean underwear. Whatever you think would ruin your trip if you turned up on the other side of the world without it, make sure it's in your bag 100%. If you have your money you can buy the eyeliner you forgot, but you can't rebuy a passport when you're trying to get through security.

Also, when it comes to organization I like to pack the larger items at the bottom of my bag. This way the smaller items don't get smashed up and forgotten about.

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