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Writer's pictureEmilee Jackson

Solo Female Traveler's Guide To: Being Fearless

If you're a woman and you travel alone you've heard this phrase: "you're so brave!"

Cue: massively suppressed internal eye roll

I hate this so much because it implies that there's something to be afraid of. There is something out there that requires you to overcome this fear. There is not. To me, solo traveling is no more "scary" than stepping out of your door.

I have traveled a lot by myself and have grown to prefer it. Here's how I overcame other people's fear for myself and the idea of holding on to fear.

Stop being afraid of being "alone"

Action cures fear. There's nothing to be afraid of when it comes to being by yourself. There will always be excuses and reasons to not go. You are entirely capable of doing anything everything by yourself.

If it really freaks you out my advice is to start small. Go an entire day doing activities by yourself. Go shopping, go to the movies, go to a museum, go eat lunch by yourself. You'll slowly realize that nobody notices when you're alone, they don't care.

Change your attitude about doing things alone. When you make up your mind that it's not the worst thing in the world it becomes a lot less scary.

Pack light

Don't overpack. How does this relate to being fearless? Well, always having a carry on means you're not worried about your bag showing up on the conveyer belt. One less worry. You're not thinking about various airport workers going through your belongings. And you won't have the unpleasant surprise of a broken souvenir.

When you've streamlined your packing process and only bring what you really need it reduces the amount of time you have to spend thinking about what to wear, using everything you've brought, paying for overweight bags. There are washing machines all over the world, I promise.

Keep your bag light.

Dress smart

Before you get huffy, this applies to men and women. Don't dress like a hobo, and don't dress like you have a camera crew following you around for a reality show. Blend in. When you don't stick out like a sore thumb you're less of a target for all kinds of shenanigans.

As a woman, we don't get to wear clothing with deep pockets. Carry a bag with zippers and/or velcro that can be worn in front.

Walk with confidence

Always, always, always walk with a purpose. Look up where you want to go beforehand and figure out how to get there. If you get lost don't stop in the middle of the sidewalk and stare around with your mouth agape. Step aside and get your bearings, and if you really need help find someone who works in a shop or a police officer.

Make it a priority

Instead of waking up thinking about how scary it is to be in a foreign place by yourself, make it a priority to stop being afraid. Make a list of all the things you are looking forward to and remind yourself of everything that has worked out or gone well.

Stop harboring fear about traveling solo. It's not going to make your trip any better.

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